Monday, 13 June 2016

Making WiFi hotspot with a USB WiFi adapter

Need a hotspot to update you phone? Or something else? Whatever be your cause, here is a method for creating a WiFi hotspot quickly and without buying a WiFi router.

1. Buy a USB WiFi adapter:

Buy any USB WiFi adapter.

2. Install the WiFi adapter:

Install the drivers of the adapter that come packaged with it.

3. Open cmd:

Open command prompt with administrator privileges.

4. Run commands:

Hotspot configuration command
Run the following command:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=hotspot_name_here key=password_here

This will set the hotspot properties like hotspot name and password.

netsh wlan start hostednetwork
This command will start the hotspot.

5. Share the internet connection:

Internet Connection Sharing over hotspot connection
Run the command: ncpa.cpl OR open network connection from the control panel. Right-click your internet connection and select properties. Select the Sharing tab. Tick the first checkbox and select your hotspot connection from the drop-down list. The hotspot will have some name like “Local Area Connection *13” or “Wireless Network Connection” or something like that. Click OK and you’re done. Your hotspot is ready.

To stop your hotspot, just run the command: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Note: After hearing from a lot of users and some of my friends, I have found out that this method sometimes gives problems when performed in Windows 8. If that happens in your case, consider buying a Wi-Fi router.